Machine Reading Tea Leaves: Automatically Evaluating Topic Coherence and Topic Model Quality
Lau, Jey Han and Newman, David and Baldwin, Timothy
Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Figures & Tables
Table 2: Pearson correlation of OC-Human and the automatic methods — OC-Auto-PMI, OC-AutoNPMI, OC-Machine-LCP and OC-Automobile-DS — at the model level.
Tabular array 6: Word intrusion vs. observed coherence: pearson correlation results at the topic level.
Table 7: A list of W IKI topics to illustrate the impact of NPMI.
Tabular array 8: A list of W IKI topics to illustrate the difference between observed coherence and word intrusion. Boxes denote homo chosen intruder words, and boldface denotes true intruder words.
Tabular array 3: Word intrusion vs. observed coherence: Pearson correlation coefficient at the model level.
Table 4: Pearson correlation coefficient of WI-Homo and WI-Motorcar-PMI/WI-Motorcar-NPMI at the topic level.
Table ane: Pearson correlation of WI-Homo and WI-Automobile-PMI/WI-Auto-NPMI at the model level.
Tabular array 5: Pearson correlation of OC-Human and the automated methods at the topic level.
Tabular array of Contents
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Related Work
- three Dataset
- iv Human being-Interpretability at the Model Level
- 4.1 Indirect Arroyo: Word Intrusion
- 4.two Direct Approach: Observed Coherence
- iv.3 Word Intrusion vs. Observed Coherence
- 5 Human-Interpretability at the Topic Level
- v.1 Indirect Approach: Word Intrusion
- 5.2 Direct Approach: Observed Coherence
- v.3 Word Intrusion vs. Observed Coherence
- 6 Discussion
- seven Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- References
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