Easy and Decent Nash Combos in Street Fighter 5

She seems okay. I can't really judge her but honestly just from the newest combo videos she seems very bland. Not very unique. Normals into some very basic flowchat pressure. Her V trigger is nice but her counter seems very good.

I dunno. She just seems like she's nothing special. Everything about her is par for the course, nothing makes me say whoa okay so you can do that?? She has some nice juggles but that's really nothing special. I'm sure some people will really master her but I think it's going to be some fairly basic oki and v trigger extensions. Like 90% of this cast she's just...boring, if you're not a super fundamental buff.

Boselicious の投稿を引用:

Stop calling it a Rekka, cause it isn't one. A Rekka is a string of motion specials like Fei Long had in SFIV. What she has is a Piano Mash button like E honda has with his hand slap special.

Yup it more like punch version of Chun-Li's lightining legs or E. Honda's hundred slaps.

Kolin has some moves which are more or less similar to other characters.
Also there are other characters who have 3 input target combos like: Ryu, Ibuki, Nash, Balrog etc.

IvanLeTerrible の投稿を引用:

Really, Crapcom? A->B->C combos, like in Marvel vs Crapcom? When you though the game couldnt be even more DUMB DOWN they gives those easy mode combos. Dem noob scrubs gonna love this new char...

Seems like this game is like really dead. Im here just waiting for Tekken 7 to come out...

Since when target combo = game dead.
It more like another hater want attention).

This combo can be used in specific situation (if you want 3-4 frame stater) but if you want dmg, you will use other combo.

Also T7 have very simple combos too (even push same button 3 times), so what?

9th.immortal の投稿を引用:

Or give everyone 2500 health

Not enough time to finish off your bronze ken m8

These complaints are so boring... 😂 I mean, if you think she's easy, domain her, then. Later we talk about it.

最近の変更はRafitoが行いました; 2017年3月2日 3時50分

Djukor の投稿を引用:

Making combos hard for the sake of being hard is stupid.
Best combos usualy require specific setups and in high level matches you will never get to acualy use them unless somone screwes up hard.

I dont see why presing 2 butons one after another at aposlutly prefect 1/60 of a second timing shuld be a thing in a fighting game. It basicly means that even if you do mange to outsmart your opnont and land the first hit of a combo if you make even one mistake you eat a reversal that deals more damage than the combo you droped. SFIV acualy ecouriged mashing on block or hitstun. in V doing so usualy makes you eat a crush counter or a comand grab. SFV is a way more scary game becose mistakes get punished way harder.

Techniques being hard isn't for the sake of being hard. Characters with high execution benefit greatly from the player being able to execute their hard combos/techniques. Its not a bad thing by any means, as in almost every fighting game there are easier characters, and harder ones. And yes, things get punished harder, but in 4 people had to actually work to get that 50% damage, now its piss easy and there aren't many combo routes, leading to the same combos over and over. If you truly are smarter than your opponent, and are better, them doing a harder hitting combo shouldn't make you lose. Execution doesn't mean ♥♥♥♥ if you can't neutral and outsmart your opponent.

2 days after Kolin's release and the games player count has plummetted back to reality again. Servers get worse with every patch and no skill combos aren't keeping the returning players interest. They come back with high hopes at every new character drop, then end up playing for barely more than a day when they realize the game is still boring, mashy trash. They really damaged the SF brand badly with this game. A game for casual scrubz who can't be bothered to practice combos, but also a game with no single player casual content for casuals, brilliant. Force casuals into a competetive online only format where the horrid 1 man server job fails players daily. Watch in horror as your opponent glitches around the screen like a badly scratched Blu Ray. Seriously poor decision making was used every step of the way with this game.

I spent many hours playing USF4 yesterday and enjoyed it immensely, but Tekken 7 please hurry.

spliffy_baz の投稿を引用:

2 days after Kolin's release and the games player count has plummetted back to reality again. Servers get worse with every patch and no skill combos aren't keeping the returning players interest. They come back with high hopes at every new character drop, then end up playing for barely more than a day when they realize the game is still boring, mashy trash. They really damaged the SF brand badly with this game. A game for casual scrubz who can't be bothered to practice combos, but also a game with no single player casual content for casuals, brilliant. Force casuals into a competetive online only format where the horrid 1 man server job fails players daily. Watch in horror as your opponent glitches around the screen like a badly scratched Blu Ray. Seriously poor decision making was used every step of the way with this game.

I spent many hours playing USF4 yesterday and enjoyed it immensely, but Tekken 7 please hurry.

You boviusly havent playd SFV long enough if you acualy think mashing is a good idea in this game.
Wifed specials get punished way harder in this game than in SFIV.
Mashing Kolins target combo also makes you untntencionaly do her Mulitple hit chun lle legs but wit hands like special.
Hell most specials cant even be mashed on block wo eating a crush counter.
And as far as target combos in to specials go other than Ken Kolin and Ibuki no other character has them.
Tehnicly Juri and Camy also have target combos in to specoials but those are incredebly situational and rearly get used.
And unles im msitaken SFIV Ibuki and duduley and posobly more characters also had target combos that cacnel in to Specials.
I guess that game is also mashy garbige.
But you palyd it for longer therfore its better becose ♥♥♥♥ change.

最近の変更はDJukorが行いました; 2017年3月2日 11時40分

yeah kolin is a generic char, easy combos, easy moves to those people don't like hard life playing SFV.

spliffy_baz の投稿を引用:

2 days after Kolin's release and the games player count has plummetted back to reality again. Servers get worse with every patch and no skill combos aren't keeping the returning players interest. They come back with high hopes at every new character drop, then end up playing for barely more than a day when they realize the game is still boring, mashy trash. They really damaged the SF brand badly with this game. A game for casual scrubz who can't be bothered to practice combos, but also a game with no single player casual content for casuals, brilliant. Force casuals into a competetive online only format where the horrid 1 man server job fails players daily. Watch in horror as your opponent glitches around the screen like a badly scratched Blu Ray. Seriously poor decision making was used every step of the way with this game.

I spent many hours playing USF4 yesterday and enjoyed it immensely, but Tekken 7 please hurry.

How can this game be masherfriendly, when the same blockheads dominate the scene like in SFIV?
How does it come that one of the NR.1 reasons why people die is that they did not stop pressing buttons and got frametraped.

And stay away with your combos, SF was never a combo game, unless you count SFIV in, but that wasn't SF by any means anyway.

Are you still sure there is no tumor inside of your head?
Hating on something on 3 websites for the sake of hating it is pretty pathetic.


2017年3月2日 18時57分

Wezilla の投稿を引用:

Newsflash Gill coming soon...

Likely not until season 4 at least.

Are people really complaining here about a character being easy to play in an already extremely accessible game for positively every type of gamer out there? Sounds like proof that nobody can be satisfied anymore.

Boy, this hole's being dug deeper and deeper as time goes on!


Source: https://steamcommunity.com/app/310950/discussions/0/133258593382578554/?l=japanese&ctp=4

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